Modern Slavery Statement - Surewise

Modern Slavery Statement

Sure Wise Limited is committed to operating with transparency and integrity in all aspects of our business, and we take the issue of modern slavery very seriously. The Modern Slavery Act is a piece of UK legislation that aims to prevent and eradicate modern slavery in all its forms.

Under the Modern Slavery Act, companies are required to publish an annual statement outlining the steps they have taken to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in their supply chains or business operations. At Sure Wise Limited, we are fully compliant with this requirement and take active measures to ensure that our business activities are free from any form of modern slavery.

We recognise that modern slavery can take many different forms, including forced labour, human trafficking, and exploitation. We are committed to taking a zero-tolerance approach to these issues and have put in place robust measures to identify and address any potential risks in our supply chains and business activities.

One of the key steps we have taken to address modern slavery is to conduct regular risk assessments across our supply chains. These assessments help us to identify any potential risks or areas of concern and take appropriate action to mitigate these risks. We also work closely with our suppliers to ensure that they are fully aware of their responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act and that they have appropriate policies and procedures in place to prevent and detect any potential issues.

In addition, we provide regular training and awareness sessions to all of our employees to ensure that they understand the risks of modern slavery and how to identify and report any potential concerns. We also encourage our employees to report any concerns they may have, and we have put in place a whistleblowing policy to ensure that any reports of modern slavery are handled appropriately and in line with our zero-tolerance policy.

At Sure Wise Limited, we are committed to upholding the principles of the Modern Slavery Act and to ensuring that our business activities are free from any form of modern slavery or exploitation. We will continue to work closely with our suppliers and employees to maintain high standards of ethical conduct and to make a positive contribution to the fight against modern slavery.