Surewise has partnerships with a number of organisations across the UK, helping us to deliver our core focus of providing premium protection for carers and service users. We’re proud to have designed our systems specifically with partner integration at the very forefront of our products.
Getting set up as a member of our partner scheme is a simple process, and you’ll have a dedicated account manager to get you started offering our Direct Payments Insurance (EL&PL) products as an option alongside any other insurers.
We provide the following after signup:
- Hard copies of all our comprehensive insurance packs (including application forms, return envelopes, and general information brochures)
- Online real-time portal with a help centre and resources
- 24/7 Legal and HR hotline
Direct Payments Insurance
Direct Payments Carer Insurance can be taken out by the service user (the person in need of care) or a chosen 3rd party. Our product is designed to protect the service user and their employee against claims that could arise in connection with receiving care, such as an injury or damage to either party within the workplace or care setting.
Included within the policy cover is Employers Liability, Public Liability & Legal Expenses protection to provide comprehensive cover against potential claims risk such as:
- Claims against the service user in the event of injury to your employee
- Claims against the service user or the employee in the event of injury to either party.
- Claims against the service user or the employee as a result of damaged or lost property & more.
We offer three different levels of cover with a range of benefits tailored to the service user’s needs to allow them to feel confident that they have the cover they need.
Our Online Portal
Our portal has been designed to offer the service user, or third party, the opportunity to amend their policy themselves and access our resources hub. Resources include documentation to assist with becoming an employer such as holiday tracker, job advertisement and starter checklist.
In order to manage your Direct Payment Insurance the online portal allows you and your team to manage your Service Users policy in real-time and offers helpful resources if needed. The system allows you to:
- Set up new polices
- Amend existing policies
- Cancel policies
- Renewal policies
Note, that we also have a Direct Payments team that are here to assist you and your team should you wish to manage the process via the telephone or your application forms.
Here are, to name a few, some of our current partners for Direct Payments Insurance.
To enquire about becoming a partner please email us: [email protected]