Carers Week 2019 Round-Up & Our Malteser Challenge - Surewise

Carers Week 2019 Round-Up & Our Malteser Challenge

Carers Week was held this year from the 10th to the 16th June, with over 100 pledges to help raise awareness for carers across the UK.

From centres giving carers a day off, to coffee mornings, art shows, and brunches, this has been a fantastic opportunity for carers to come together and get the support they need, as well as highlighting the work carers do hidden in our communities every single day.

Our Carers Week Pledge

Raising awareness for carers has always been at the core of what we do here at, and is why we started Thank A Carer, an initiative that gives the friends and relatives of carers a platform to say thank you for the work they do.

Of course, pledging to participate in Carers Week 2019 was something we were only too happy to do.

This year we echoed the success of our pledge from 2018 and held a ‘Malteasers Chopstick Challenge’ right here in our head office.

The challenge was simple: our team had to eat as many Maltesers as possible with chopsticks in one minute. For every Malteser eaten, we agreed to donate £1 to the Carers UK charity.

Thanks to everyone who got involved in Carers Week this year, we’re so happy that we were able to contribute and have some fun while raising awareness.

We run weekly giveaways throughout the year under our Thank A Carer page, so be sure to follow us over there if you know a carer that deserves a thank you for what they do!

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