4 Simple Ways to Stay Active in the Spring

Research has shown that regular exercise and a proper diet can keep you happier and healthier for years, so all of us should be aiming to get a little more active each day this year.

Now we have moved well past the pandemic, more people are looking to spend more time outdoors and enjoying the sunshine.

Exercising doesn’t mean you have to run marathons or spend your afternoons sweating inside a dingy gym, either – if you have limited mobility or a disability, there are many activities for you to enjoy in the sunshine this spring.

Below, we’ve listed some of our favourite ways to stay active and happy this year.

1) Visit an Accessible Attraction

You don’t have to be running and sweating in order to get a good bit of exercise in – you could simply be enjoying a day out.

From taking in nature on a trail walk to working your way around London Zoo, there are many accessible attractions in the UK that make the perfect excuse to get a little more active in the sunshine.

Take a look at our list of the top accessible attractions in Britain for some inspiration!

2) Socialise with Your Friends & Family

Being active mentally is just as important as physical activity, so why not arrange a regular meet up with your friends and family to get the conversation flowing?

Many disabled people report feeling lonely, and one of the best ways to tackle this is to surround yourself with people that love you and will be there for you when you need them.

Organise a day out or even just to enjoy lunch and keep your mind active as well as your body.

3) Try Out a New Hobby

Picking up a new hobby is a great way to tackle loneliness, and it will also get your a little more active without even realising it!

Is there anything you’ve always wanted to try, but never quite gotten round to? Whether that’s a sport, or even joining a book club, trying a new hobby is a great way to keep yourself busy all year round.

4) Focus on Functional Fitness

Fitness definitely doesn’t have to be about pushing yourself to your limit. Sometimes, it can just mean practising exercises that will help your life much easier.

Whether you need assistance walking, getting in and out of bed, or feel you’d like to be able to lift things a little easier, start slowly and build up from there. Use your body weight and practice functional moves like squats, lunges, press ups and sit ups, if you can.

You could even look up some gentle yoga sequences online to help build strength and flexibility in your body this spring.

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