What Insurance Do I Need as a Live-in Carer? - Surewise

What Insurance Do I Need as a Live-in Carer?

As a live-in carer, you play a crucial role in providing support and assistance to those in need, often within their own homes. With this responsibility, it’s essential to ensure that both you and the individuals you care for are protected in various situations that could arise during your work.

One of the most important aspects of this protection is having the right insurance coverage, tailored to the specific needs of live-in carers.

This article talks you through your obligations and options, to help you make an informed choice about what is best for you.

How are live-in carers different from standard care workers?

As a live-in carer, your role goes beyond that of a standard care worker. In this guide, we’ll explore how live-in carers differ and the necessary insurance you should consider for your unique situation.

Unlike standard care workers, live-in carers provide 24-hour care, usually working between 4 and 5 days per week and sleeping on-site. You must be prepared to have your sleep potentially disrupted at night to provide assistance as needed. This contrasts with standard care workers who usually work set hours and don’t stay overnight with their clients.

Standing near pensioner. Smiling medical attendant standing near pensioner wearing glasses

Working as a live-in carer requires a comfortable and clean place to stay in your client’s home. Your private space should include a bed, adequate storage facilities, and some form of entertainment, such as a TV. Your room should also be properly heated to ensure your comfort during your time off.

Since you are working on-site and providing a higher level of care, there is an increased chance of workplace-related injuries. This is why it is essential for you, as a live-in carer, to make sure you have the appropriate training and insurance in place.

From just £59 per year


PA & Carers Insurance

Cover available for:

  • Self-Employed Carers & PAs
  • Individual Employers
  • Carer & PA Businesses
  • Direct Payments
  • Domiciliary Carers
  • Home Employment Cover (for those that employ carers in their home)

Live-in Carer Insurance Types

As a live-in carer, your work is essential in providing support and comfort to those in need. To protect yourself and the people you care for, it’s crucial to have the right insurance in place. In this section, we’ll cover the following live-in carer insurance types.

Public Liability Insurance

Public Liability Insurance is vital for live-in carers as it provides protection against claims made by third parties for injury or damage caused during your work. For example, if a care recipient accidentally slips and gets injured while under your supervision, this insurance will cover any compensation payments and legal fees. Ensuring you have adequate Public Liability Insurance offers peace of mind, allowing you to focus on providing quality care. Many of our policies include up to £5 million in Public Liability Insurance.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

As a live-in carer, there may be times when your professional advice or service faces scrutiny. That’s where Professional Indemnity Insurance comes into play. This type of insurance protects you from claims made by care recipients or their families due to negligence, errors, or omissions in your professional services. In case of such claims, Professional Indemnity Insurance offers financial protection by covering legal fees and any compensation awarded.

Accidental Injury Insurance

Accidents can happen to anyone, even skilled carers like yourself. With Accidental Injury Insurance, you’re protected against the financial impact of accidental injuries sustained while performing your duties as a live-in carer. This type of insurance can help cover medical expenses, loss of income, and rehabilitation costs if you’re injured and unable to work for a period.

Many of our policies include coverage in all these key areas, but please consult the terms in each to confirm.

How to Determine Your Specific Insurance Needs

As a live-in carer, it’s essential to have the right insurance coverage to protect yourself and your clients. In this section, we will discuss how to assess your risk levels and evaluate your working environment to determine the appropriate insurance needs.

Assessing Risk Levels

To determine the appropriate insurance coverage, you should first assess the risks associated with your live-in carer role. Consider the potential hazards and accidents that may occur while providing care. Some factors to consider include:

  • Physical injury: As a carer, you might face injuries from lifting, transferring, or assisting your clients.
  • Illness: Exposure to infectious diseases or conditions may put your health at risk.
  • Accidents: Unforeseen incidents, such as falls or vehicle accidents while transporting clients, can occur at any time.
  • Liability: You could be held responsible for any damage, injury, or harm caused to your clients or their property.

Having a clear understanding of these risks will help you decide on the appropriate level of insurance coverage to protect you and your clients.

Evaluating the Environment

The environment in which you work as a live-in carer can significantly impact your insurance needs. Be sure to consider the following factors when determining the appropriate insurance coverage:

  • Client’s home: Evaluate the safety and accessibility of your client’s home, paying attention to potential hazards such as inadequate lighting, clutter, or trip hazards.
  • Equipment: Ensure any equipment you use is well-maintained and safe. Poorly maintained equipment increases the risk of accidents and injuries.
  • Travel: If you frequently travel with your clients or transport them to appointments, you will need to consider additional car insurance coverage.
  • Specific care responsibilities: If your role includes tasks such as administering medication or providing specialist care, you may require additional insurance to cover these unique responsibilities.

By taking these factors on board you can choose the insurance policy must suitable for your particular circumstances.

You can also contact our customer service centre directly and one of our agent will be more than happy to talk things through with you.

Insurance Terms and Conditions to Consider

As a live-in carer, it’s essential to understand the specific terms and conditions of your insurance policy. Here are some key factors to consider in order to ensure proper coverage for your particular role and situation.

Coverage Limits

The coverage limits are the maximum amounts your insurance policy will pay out in the event of a claim. Each policy differs, so make sure you thoroughly understand your chosen policy’s limits. It’s important to know whether the coverage offered is adequate for your individual situation, and if not, explore different options that may better suit your needs.


Exclusions are specific events or situations that your insurance policy will not cover. As a live-in carer, it’s crucial to review the list of exclusions in your policy. For example, some policies may not cover injuries sustained during specific activities or damages caused by wilful acts. It’s essential to be aware of these exclusions and consider whether additional coverage is necessary.

Premium Adjustment

Your insurance premium is the amount you pay for the coverage provided. Your premium is based on various factors, including your level of experience, claims history, and risk assessment. Be sure to read the terms and conditions that highlight when and how your premium might be adjusted. Keep in mind that the premium isn’t the only factor to consider when choosing a live-in carer insurance policy, as its coverage and exclusions also play a significant role.

By being familiar with these key insurance aspects, you will be better equipped to select a policy that provides the most appropriate coverage for you.

Maintaining and Updating Your Insurance

As a live-in carer, it’s essential to keep your insurance up to date and ensure it provides adequate coverage for your needs.

To begin with, review your policy regularly to ensure it remains suitable for your current situation. As your circumstances change, you may need to update your coverage. Some changes that may warrant updating your insurance include:

  • Change in the scope of care services provided
  • Addition or removal of care equipment
  • Change in your client’s health condition or care requirements
  • Moving to a different location for work

If you experience any of these changes, it’s essential to contact your insurer so they can adjust your policy accordingly. Remember that failure to keep your insurance current may result in gaps in your coverage and financial losses if an incident occurs.

At Surewise, we understand the unique challenges you face as a live-in carer. That’s why we offer tailored insurance solutions to cover your risks and ensure you can focus on providing the best care possible. For more information about our carer insurance options, please feel free to look at our carers insurance policies or get a quote today!

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