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Working From Home Insurance

Working remotely was, in the past, something only a small minority of workers were able to experience. Since the pandemic, however, the way businesses operate has changed completely – in 2023, the norm for millions of companies is to offer the option to work remotely or at least offer a hybrid week. In fact, businesses […]

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Client Profile Booklet for Carers

We’re thrilled to launch our latest offering for care workers in the UK: a client profile booklet, providing space to keep all your client’s details in one secure place. This booklet is free of charge and available to any care worker or other individual providing carer to someone. This booklet is designed for Personal Assistants, […]

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4 Spring Activities For Seniors

Research has shown that regular exercise and a proper diet can keep you happier and healthier for years, so all of us should be aiming to get a little more active each day this year. This list of spring activities for seniors will help older people, who may at times struggle with mobility, stay active […]

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How to Weatherproof Your Home for All Seasons

Have you noticed your home dropping in temperature a little too frequently this winter? Not only can a draughty house cost you hundreds of pounds in heating bills throughout the year, it can also be more vulnerable to weather damage in more extreme conditions.

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The State of Self-Storage UK: 2022/23 Study

The most common reason for using self-storage in 2022 was to move home, a new study from Surewise has revealed – although 18% of respondents would consider using self-storage to create more space in their existing home due to the expense of moving house.  The study, conducted on over 2,500 UK adults, revealed that over […]

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Planning for Weekends Away with Your Mobility Scooter

When you rely on your mobility scooter on a daily basis, it can be a daunting task to attempt to organise a weekend away from the familiarity of your home area. However, these days your mobility scooter is definitely one thing you shouldn’t need to worry about, with a multitude of support services and information […]

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How to Complain about your Letting Agent

Letting agents can be heaven-sent – arranging all rentals on your behalf and dealing with your tenant’s complaints, or from the other side of the same coin, liaising with the landlord on your behalf. However, a bad letting agent can be far worse than managing your rental property or properties yourself. If you have had […]

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Carers and Mental Health Survey: The Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis

Almost 1 in 2 carers agree that the current cost of living crisis has had a negative impact on their mental health, while 70% of carers surveyed are not confident they will make it financially through the next year, a recent survey from Surewise has revealed. With millions of people facing economic uncertainty in face […]

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Climate Controlled Self Storage – What Is It And Why Might I Need It?

When you are storing certain valuables, there is more to consider than merely their protection under lock and key. Like our bodies, our possessions can suffer adverse reactions to changes in environmental factors like heat and humidity. Luckily there is a solution: climate controlled self storage. This article tells you exactly what it is and […]

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Types of Self-Storage Facilities Available in the UK

Self-storage units come in various forms, each with its advantages and disadvantages. If you’ve been thinking about hiring a storage unit, it can be helpful to first decide what type of facility best suits your needs in order to save money, get the right insurance, and most importantly, keep your belongings safe. The types of […]

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Sports & Exercise For Wheelchair Users

Physical activity can help control weight, improve mental health, and lower the risk for early death, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. Physical activity can also improve mental health by reducing depression and anxiety. A significant factor can be awareness of what is available. Luckily, wheelchair sports have become much more accessible in […]

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When Is The Most Popular Time To Move Home?

Moving home is a unique mixture of excitement and stress. The anticipation of a new chapter in your life, and the reality of all that packing and unpacking. The average person in the UK will move 8 times in their lifetime. This article has researched the most popular seasons and times to move home, plus […]

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Moving House is Stressful: Why Self-Storage Can Help

With the UK’s house prices falling and 12% of 18-34 year olds in the UK expected to downsize next year in the face of rising rents, the inevitable stresses of moving homes will be facing many of us. Self-storage can be a real lifesaver when that time comes. Here’s why… Self-storage can make your home […]

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How To Prevent Mobility Scooter Theft

Mobility scooters offer a vital lifeline to anyone struggling with their mobility. It seems staggering that anyone would stoop so low as to steal them and deprive their owners of this precious means of independence, but mobility scooter theft is becoming increasingly common- with more than 23,000 reported stolen over the last 18 months. The […]

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How to Deal with a Water Leak

Seeing water suddenly start dripping from your ceiling during a particularly torrential bout of rain is never a welcome sight, but the good news is the sooner you spot a water leak, the sooner you can get it fixed!

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Student Contents Insurance: Your Options

In this guide, we’ll cover how to get student contents insurance that fits within your budget, what options are available to you, and other student insurance options you may want to consider. Additionally, we’ll explain what a student contents insurance policy will cover and why it is important to insure your possessions at university. How […]

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Why You Need To Keep Your Home Insurance Up-To-Date

How long ago did you first take out your home insurance policy? 5 years ago? 10 years ago? More..? It’s likely that what was correct for your insurance back then has changed over time – whether that’s due to renovations you’ve had carried out around the home, or simply due to the contents of your […]

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Mobility Scooters, Road Tax and VAT Exemption

The transition from paper licence discs to Automatic Number Plate Recognition posed several questions for drivers- not least for owners of less ‘traditional’ vehicles, such as mobility scooters. Do you need a driving licence for a mobility scooter? According to You do not need a licence to drive a mobility scooter or powered wheelchair, […]

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Storing Vinyl Records in Self-Storage: How To Keep Them Safe

When CDs and mini-discs came along, for a short it looked as if vinyl records were going to be defunct. However, it was more than just nostalgia that revived their popularity. There has been a new-found appreciation for the nuance and texture of sound the format offers. In this guide we’ll cover everything you need to […]

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How To Organise Your Items For Storage For The New Year

With a new year (and another lockdown) in full swing, one great way to pass the time and feel organised for the year ahead is to get your home tidied, clear of clutter, and in order. Maybe you’re just looking for a way to use up the hours you’re shut indoors during lockdown. Maybe you’ve […]

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Carers Support For Mental Health

Between Covid-19, Brexit, the climate and the cost-of-living crisis, the last few years have been a testing time for all of us- and none more so than our nation’s carers.  Our recent carer’s mental health survey could not have been more emphatic with its findings: “Your health is your wealth”, as the saying goes, and […]

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Which Healthcare Tasks Are Covered By Direct Payments Insurance?

Carers may be required to carry out a range of different healthcare tasks, depending on the needs of the person they are providing care for. Therefore all healthcare tasks are included as standard in our policies as we understand the importance of needing to be covered for every eventuality. If you are looking for insurance […]

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Discover Who is Responsible for End of Tenancy Cleaning

Whether you are a tenant worried about receiving your deposit back, or a landlord looking to establish your rights and obligations, the question of end-of-tenancy cleaning and whose responsibility this factor lies with is an important issue to ensure all parties are clear on. It’s enough of a chore to clean up after yourself, let […]

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